
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the fixtures have been created in a game week format to allow flexibility on when they are played. Clubs will update the time and date in agreement with the opposition in advance of the fixture. This page will be continually updated throughout the season.

Latest Results -

Sunday, Dec 12, 2021
Glasgow University Women's Hockey Club Indoor I31Scottish Thistles Masters Hockey Club Ladies Indoor 1Bells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Elanor Cormack, karen Thomson | Officials: Christine MacDonald
Perthshire Hockey Club Ladies Indoor I80Scottish Thistles Masters Hockey Club Ladies Indoor 1Bells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Duncan Service, Tahirah Yousaf | Officials: Christine MacDonald
Falkirk and Linlithgow Hockey Club Ladies Indoor 100The Watsonian Hockey Club Ladies 2 IndoorBells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Emma Pate, Phill Webb | Officials: Christine MacDonald
Fjordhus Reivers Hockey Club Ladies I32Perthshire Hockey Club Ladies Indoor IBells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Anna Watson, Duncan Service | Officials: Christine MacDonald
Glasgow University Women's Hockey Club Indoor I82The Watsonian Hockey Club Ladies 2 IndoorBells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Steven Hopper, Carla MacNiven | Officials: Christine MacDonald
Fjordhus Reivers Hockey Club Ladies I41Falkirk and Linlithgow Hockey Club Ladies Indoor 1Bells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Anna Watson, Phill Webb | Officials: Christine MacDonald
Perthshire Hockey Club Ladies Indoor I21The Watsonian Hockey Club Ladies 2 IndoorBells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Emma Pate, Steven Hopper | Officials: Christine MacDonald
Sunday, Dec 05, 2021
Perthshire Hockey Club Ladies Indoor I40Falkirk and Linlithgow Hockey Club Ladies Indoor 1Bells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Ellen Murray, Peter Gillespie | Officials: Ben Hortin
The Watsonian Hockey Club Ladies 2 Indoor24Scottish Thistles Masters Hockey Club Ladies Indoor 1Bells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Gordon Loudon, Phill Webb | Officials: Ben Hortin
Fjordhus Reivers Hockey Club Ladies I62Glasgow University Women's Hockey Club Indoor IBells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Aileen Ross, Peter Gillespie | Officials: Ben Hortin
Falkirk and Linlithgow Hockey Club Ladies Indoor 152Scottish Thistles Masters Hockey Club Ladies Indoor 1Bells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Gordon Loudon, Emma Pate | Officials: Ben Hortin
Perthshire Hockey Club Ladies Indoor I35Glasgow University Women's Hockey Club Indoor IBells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Peter Gillespie, Duncan Service | Officials: Ben Hortin
The Watsonian Hockey Club Ladies 2 Indoor05Fjordhus Reivers Hockey Club Ladies IBells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Ellen Murray, Phill Webb | Officials: Ben Hortin
Falkirk and Linlithgow Hockey Club Ladies Indoor 105Glasgow University Women's Hockey Club Indoor IBells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Aileen Ross, Emma Pate | Officials: Ben Hortin
Fjordhus Reivers Hockey Club Ladies I31Scottish Thistles Masters Hockey Club Ladies Indoor 1Bells Coaching Hall
Umpires: Duncan Service, Phill Webb | Officials: Ben Hortin
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