Rules & Regulations
Hockey is subject to a set of rules and regulations that ensure fair play and maintain the spirit of competition.
The International Hockey Federation (FIH) publishes international rulebooks to govern the sport.
- Download a copy of the FIH Rules of Hockey
- Download a copy of the FIH Indoor Rules of Hockey
- Download a copy of the FIH Glove Dimensions Box
Anyone who receives, requests, or is directly impacted by our services can file a concern. Please see further guidance on how to report a concern, here.
The Discipline code relating to on field discipline and relating forms can be found here: Rules of Discipline 23-24.
Senior Competition Rules and Forms Indoor League Structure
Please Download Senior National Competition Rules 23-24
Please download MRF-outdoor 23-24
Please Submit Named 9 here – Under Review
Officials and Umpire Expense form
Please download Expense Policy – Here
Please download Umpire Guidelines- Under review
Please download Technical Official Guidelines- Under review
Please download SH Umpire Briefing and the FIH Umpire Managers Briefing (embedded videos)
Please download penalties-form – Under Review
Please download Indoor match form new logo
Please download Indoor Infringement Register – Under Review
Play-Offs Tournament Regulations
Play off Tournament Regulations– Includes Champions trophy and Promotion/ Relegation Play offs
If any of the links above need edited please contact [email protected]
If In Doubt, Sit Them Out
This guidance is intended to provide information on how to recognise sports concussion and on how this should be managed from the time of injury through to safe return to sport.
This information is intended for the general public and for grassroots sport participants, where specialists in sport and exercise medicine are not available to manage concussed individuals.
At all levels in all sports if an athlete is suspected of having a concussion, they must be immediately removed from play. If in doubt, sit them out.
No-one should return to sport on the same day with suspected concussion.
Please see:
UK Government Guidelines for Non-Elite (Grassroots) Sport (2023)
Scottish Sports Concussion Guidance (2018)
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