Scottish Women’s Masters Hockey seek players, coaches and managers for 2020

Scottish Women’s Masters Hockey (SWMH) is seeking players for all six squads (ranging from 35+ to 60+) as well as coaches and team managers ahead of an exciting 2020 season.

A SWMH 35+ team will be included for the first time in competitions next year. If you’re 35 next year or aged between 35 and 40 then consider being part of the first-ever 35+ squad.

Trials will take place in the autumn for next year’s tournaments. The Home Countries takes place in June in Edinburgh and the World Cup competitions will be held in England or South Africa (depending on age group) in August and September respectively.

Players for trials should have a reasonable level of skill, teamwork and fitness, be playing hockey regularly and be eligible to play for Scotland (details available on website).

Coaches and Managers are essential to the success of our squad and volunteers are welcome. SWMH are not in a position to pay remuneration, but coaches are offered travel and accommodation costs and Managers 50% of same.

As the selector of their squad, coaches must be available for trials and applicants for coaching positions should be qualified or have relevant coaching experience.

Managers assist in the organisation of the squads and applicants should ideally have hockey experience and organisational skills.

Successful candidates for these posts will find themselves working with enthusiastic players who are still keen to learn and to play hockey in an increasingly competitive international Masters environment.


Applications to be submitted to [email protected] no later than 30th September 2019.


Please see for more detail.


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