Scottish Hockey announces new Hockey Development staffing structure

As Scottish Hockey continues to deliver the final part of its Reset phase it has announced a new staffing structure for its development team.

The Hockey Development Team will replace the Domestic Game Team, and comprise of smaller teams focussing on regional development; workforce development; and competitions. The Director of Hockey Operations will head the team.

The Regional Team will comprise of three regional managers working in the north, east and west, splitting into three regions as this gives support to a more even distribution of clubs, with the regional managers continuing to work with the current district structure of five.

The regional managers will continue to work alongside the East Lothian Development Officer and Borders Development Officer roles.

Workforce Development will include the Training Education and Development Manager position; alongside the new Officials Development Officer role, which will help grow and develop officiating in Scotland.

The Officials Development Officer is one of three key new roles that have been created, with the Brave Programme Lead; and Hockey Engagement Manager positions being the other two. These new roles have been created as a result of member feedback during the consultation

The Brave Programme Lead will be in charge of the development of the Brave programme, while the Hockey Engagement Manager will project manage key areas of work across Scotland to grow and develop hockey communities.

A Hockey Development Administrator role will work across the entire Hockey Development Team to support a variety of development activities, while the Competitions Team will continue to comprise of competitions and event managers responsible for senior and junior hockey.

Scottish Hockey’s Director of Hockey Operations, Jennifer Griffin, said, “The restructure is the final piece of the puzzle as we draw a close to the “Reset” phase and work towards “Build”. The change from Domestic Game Team to Hockey Development gives an accurate representation of the intent of this team and the journey we want to take hockey on throughout Scotland.

“Nationally we will split into three regions as this give a more even distribution of clubs, however we will continue to work with the current district structure of five. I’m delighted that we are bringing three new roles to the development team with key focus areas. The new structure will change the way we operate and give clubs, schools and universities multiple points of contact across various areas of expertise.”

Scottish Hockey is now recruiting for the Hockey Engagement Manager and Officials Development Officer positions.


Hockey Engagement Manager

Scottish Hockey is looking for a motivated project manager with a passion for sport and inclusion to join the Hockey Development Team as Hockey Engagement Manager. This is a new role embedded within newly launched restructure of the department and will be integral to impacting on the new strategic plan. This role will be based in Glasgow National Hockey Centre but will work nationally to lead programmes and projects.


Should you be interested in the role, please send a CV and covering letter to [email protected] by 2.00pm on Wednesday 12th April. Please also complete the equal opportunities form at the bottom of this page.

Hockey Engagement Manager – Job Description

Hockey Engagement Manager – Person Specification

Please complete the following form along with your application: Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form


Officials Development Officer – Part Time (0.6)

Scottish Hockey is looking for an enthusiastic individual with a passion for supporting the development of people to join the Hockey Development Team. This is a new role within the team to support the growth and development of officials across the country. This role will be based in Glasgow National Hockey Centre but will work across the country with clubs, universities and districts.


Should you be interested in the role, please send a CV and covering letter to [email protected] by 2.00pm on Wednesday 12th April. Please also complete the equal opportunities form at the bottom of this page.

Officials Development Officer Job Description

Officials Development Officer – Person Specification

Please complete the following form along with your application: Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

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