Masters training session opportunity

Following a very successful first training/session last Sunday the Scottish Masters O60, O65 and O70  men have organised another event for the end of November at Peffermill Playing Fields in Edinburgh.

This session will be 10.00am to 12noon followed by a one hour break and then from 1.00pm until 3.00pm. Pitch hire and other costs will likely be in the region of £10.

Doodle polls have been set up to help the coaches calculate numbers attending and so it would be helpful if anyone wishing to attend completes the appropriate one.

Over 60:

Over 65/70:

These are open sessions and all standards are welcome. In addition to the International teams the Scottish LX Masters Club runs the ‘Thistles’ brand which provides playing opportunities to all.

If you would like any further details on the sessions, please contact:

O60 Bernie Morrison      [email protected]

O65 Peter Gordon           [email protected]

O70 Roy Crichton             [email protected]


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