Head of Domestic Game appointed


Scottish Hockey are pleased to announce that Jamie Frail has been appointed as the Head of Domestic Game.

Jamie will start his new Role on May 30 and the appointment is part of a restructure within Scottish Hockey.

A former Cashback coach, Jamie joined Scottish Hockey as Glasgow and West Development Officer, working his way up to the role of West Regional Development Manager, and then National Development Manager a post he has held for two years. During his time as the National Development Manager he has created a strong team including our regional posts which in partnership with our clubs and districts have seen a membership growth of over 40% in two years. He has led on Legacy activities from the Commonwealth Games and has created a number of strong partnerships including with the other Home Nations, Scottish Student Sport and programmes including Hockey Fest and Back to Hockey.

Jamie is a well-known figure in Scottish Hockey as a National One Goalkeeper for Hillhead and part of the Scotland Girls Under 16 Coaching team.

David Sweetman Scottish Hockey CEO commented “I am delighted that Jamie has been successful in securing the Head of Domestic Game role. Jamie has the passion, drive and leadership to deliver in this position and I know he is excited at the opportunities that the role can bring to Hockey in Scotland”


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