Governance Review 2012 Update – first draft Action Plan now available

Further to initial discussion and request to Scottish
Hockey at the 2011 AGM, and with the new CEO in place, Scottish
Hockey’s Board commissioned a comprehensive audit of its governance
in January 2012.

A first draft of the Governance Action Plan has now been
produced and is available to download on the Governance
Review page
. The report and matrix, produced following the
first stage of the audit, is also available to download.

The aim was to formulate and implement an action plan to ensure
Scottish Hockey is well positioned to achieve future ambitions,
with the potential move to Glasgow as a catalyst, while also
mindful of the need to extend the current strategic plan beyond its
current lifetime of December 2014.

A Short Life Working Group was established to review the outcome
of the initial audit report, in advance of recommendations being
brought back to the Board for approval and action.

For more information about the Governance Review, please contact us.




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