Facilities Strategy Group – expressions of interest welcome

Scottish Hockey is establishing a project group to review its approach to facilities.

Expressions of interest to be part of the group are invited from individuals with an experience in facility planning, development, utilisation or management whether hockey specific or within a wider community context.


The Facilities Strategy Group, led by a board sponsor, will report to the Scottish Hockey Board and develop a strategic focus on optimising facility planning, use and maintenance. Over the course of 6 months the team will be responsible for reviewing the current methodology, oversee the establishment of a baseline of facilities and implement a sustainable systematic approach to facilities.

Time commitment

The project team will be expected to support this initiative around 4 hours a month for the first month then 2 meetings a month until completion in September.  Meetings will be virtual and engagement from across Scotland is encouraged to ensure all available resources are accessed to maximise the work.

Expression of interest

A short expression of interest (based on the activities in the above “purpose” section) should be submitted via this form with an outline of the main attributes you could bring to enhance the project group.

Expressions of interest will be followed up by an informal conversation with the project lead and Head of Domestic Game.

Scottish Hockey will aim to create a working group that represents its membership as often as possible, this group will, however, also be selected based on experience for the role.

Interested? Get in touch HERE.

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