Club Excel

Club Excel is Scottish Hockey’s new and improved club development programme to help clubs on their journey to achieve their goals and aspirations.

At the heart of Club Excel is a club’s values and mission, which is central to the club’s area of focus and development opportunities within the Club Excel pillars. These pillars are Places; Play; and People, and all pillars are wrapped in culture; governance and communication.

Scottish Hockey will assist clubs as they develop their own path through Club Excel and achieve their ambitions through the programme.


The Places pillar has three separate elements that clubs can progress through to achieve the pillar.

Clubs can work through Places by setting and achieving objectives, whether they own, lease, or have aspiration to own a facility.

  • Owning
  • Leasing 
  • Aspirational


The Play pillar is for clubs who want to focus on developing their on-pitch offering.

Whether clubs want to focus on developing their offering around introducing people to the sport; hockey as part of their active living; developing players to competition level; or alignment to national programmes to develop Scotland players, a bespoke plan can be created to gain the Play badge.

  •  Fun Start 
  • Active Living 
  • Competition
  • National Programme Alignment


The People pillar is for clubs who want to focus on developing the people within their club.

This focus can be on either, or combining, developing people within their workforce; their membership; or in the wider community.

  • Workforce 
  • Membership 
  • Wider Community


People is all about the individuals that come together to play, or support, hockey in a way that values and nurtures everyone that is a part of your club. 


Play is all about the hockey that is played in a safe and fun environment on the pitch in a variety of formats that allows each member to express themselves and reach their potential.


Place is all about where we play the game and the relationships we build to ensure we have the best possible environment to play hockey.