Silver Club
Silver Club status is currently closed to new applications. Clubs that currently hold Silver status will retain this for season 2023/24.
Please consult your Scottish Hockey Regional Manager for further information.
Accredited clubs:
- Stronger clubs: Providing higher quality sport through qualified coaches delivering to an ever improving standard as a club progresses through accreditation.
- Raises the club profile: This can lead to increased membership, player retention, better quality coaches and officials and an increase in volunteers getting involved in your club.
- A safer place for vulnerable groups: It is reassuring to parents, teachers and wider membership that a club has implemented effective management of child protection and vulnerable adults measures.
- Efficiency: Indicates that your club is well run, efficient and effective, saving volunteers time.
- Supported Volunteers: Demonstrates that sport is taken seriously with succession planning in place and volunteers have support to develop and grow in their roles.
- Funding Opportunities: Better access to grants as funding providers can look more favourably on accredited clubs.
Pre-requisite – Be affiliated to Scottish Hockey
Actively put into place all of the following to become a silver accredited club:
A simple set of documented rules that govern how your club will be run.
Child Protection Policy
A document that makes it clear what you will do to keep children safe in your care.
*University Clubs may complete an Incidental Form
Accurate Membership Numbers on Core
The club administrator is required upload the full database of club members to their Scottish Hockey CORE page. This should be maintained regularly.
District Membership Complete
The club is required to meet their commitments to their District in order to take part in competitions.
Venue Specific Risk Assessment
Your club has a duty of care to its members to ensure their health and safety. A risk assessment is designed to identify hazards, implement practices and procedures to reduce the risk.
Job Descriptions – Signed off
President / Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, CPO / Welfare Officer, Youth Convenor (if applicable)
Other useful job descriptions:
Executive Committee Handover Documents (Universities only)
The existing post holder summarises the season with notable successes and any outstanding actions. The new post holder states their intent and takes responsibility for the outstanding actions.
AGM Minutes & 2 Further Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the most up to date club AGM & latest 2 committee meeting.
Minimum 1 year action plan
Create an action plan to manage the actions and steps it takes to achieve a clubs goals.
Lead Coach Certificate
The GB Coaching Offer: Minimum requirements are the Sessional Qualification or Coach Qualification
or a Level 2 Coaching Qualification (no longer available)
Child Protection Officer
Visibility to all club members with name and contact information available to all.
Evidence Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer training.
Workforce Development Plan
A workforce development plan will support a club to recruit, develop and retain volunteers to deliver club business and plan for the future. This planning work will offer greater stability to the club and provide support to individual volunteers, whether a committee position, an umpire or parent helper etc.
Club Welcome Pack (Not a requirement for universities)
First Impressions count. Create a positive and lasting impression on prospective new members.
Include key information and contacts for the season ahead. Existing members will benefit also.
Codes of Conduct
Set a standard of behaviour for all those associated with your club
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Statement
A privacy statement is a public document that tells your members how you will process their personal information and how you apply data protection principles.
Read Scottish Hockey’s Privacy Policy
Additional Toolkit Documents
Join HockeyHub HERE
Silver Accreditation is currently closed to new applications
For further information, please contact your Regional Manager.
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