What do you want in a CEO for Scottish Hockey?

Scottish Hockey will soon begin recruitment for a new CEO, and we want to know what our members would like to see in our new CEO.

Tell us:

  • What skills you would look for in our next CEO;
  • What qualities they should have;
  • What values they should demonstrate;
  • What you see as their key priority.

You can let us know by filling out your thoughts HERE (or use code 2622 4614 at www.menti.com).


We really want to hear from children and young people too!

Scottish Hockey is the name for the group of people who make sure hockey in Scotland is organised, safe and fun.

Scottish Hockey needs a new CEO. CEO stands for Chief Executive Officer.

The CEO is important because they have to lead all these people and help us work together to make hockey in Scotland awesome for you.

We want to know what children and young people want the new CEO to be like!

Talk to your family and friends at training and tell us what you think our CEO should be like.

You could:

  • Do a drawing
  • Write a story or poem
  • Make a video message
  • Tag us in a social media post
  • Send a picture of someone you think our CEO should be like

Anyone can get involved, post your thoughts on any social media platform using #DesignYourCeo and tagging @scottishhockey


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