Updated Covid-19 regulations

Further to the Scottish Government’s announcement on Tuesday 21 December, sportscotland have published the following restrictions on indoor sports activity:


The impact on organised indoor domestic hockey fixtures, events, tournaments and festivals is that no activity will take place from 26 December for three weeks. We hope indoor hockey can resume on the weekend of 22nd/23rd January.

This affects all adult and youth indoor hockey, organised by Scottish Hockey.  The U15 Girls National Indoor Finals on 15 January have therefore been cancelled and we are unsure if these will be played at a later date.

Outdoor hockey can still go ahead under the current restrictions. However, we will work with our Districts in the New Year to help with decision making about outdoor hockey training and matches under the Covid-19 guidelines at that time.

We will continue to track any guidelines as they are released and will update our members should anything change.


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