Statement following latest Scottish Government Covid-19 update

Following today’s Scottish Government Covid-19 update we remain in Phase 3 and our guidance hasn’t changed at this point.

Scottish Hockey welcomes the indicative date, subject to review in three weeks, of 24 August for a return of organised outdoor contact sport. Further detail and guidance will be released to support clubs and participants as soon as possible.

We will continue to work hard in partnership with sportscotland and the Scottish Government, and engage with similar sports to ours, to ensure we all get back on the pitch safely.

Our current Phase 3 guidance will be revisited and updated with any changes that can be made safely, and when any further changes are confirmed and announced.

Public health and wellbeing remains the most pressing priority, and we all have a responsibility to do what we can to continue to suppress the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

We will continue to support the careful and cautious approach of the Scottish Government as we move closer to the next stage of returning to the pitch for participation.

Please follow our current guidance HERE


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