Scottish Hockey Competitions Roadshows

Scottish Hockey will run a Competitions Roadshow this November and December. At the Competitions Forums earlier this year, our members asked if the competitions calendar could be published earlier in the season, so that next season’s dates are agreed before the summer.  We are therefore pleased to announce that Scottish Hockey will be running Roadshows across the country to consult with Districts, Clubs and Schools about the competitions framework.

The meetings will be held on:

Glasgow: Tuesday 19 November

Scottish Hockey, 8 Kings Drive, Glasgow G40 1HB

Edinburgh: Monday 25 November

SportScotland, Caledonia House, Redheughs Rigg, South Gyle, Edinburgh, EH12 9DQ

Dundee: Tuesday 3 December

Regional Performance Centre Dundee, Mains Loan, Dundee, DD4 9BX

Aberdeen: Monday 9 December

Broadfold House, Broadfold Road, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen AB23 8EE



There will two separate meetings on the same evening, with staggered start times to enable people to attend part of both sessions if necessary:

  • 6.15pm-7.45pm: Youth Competitions
  • 7pm-8.30pm: Senior Competitions

Details of rooms and parking are attached


Invitations have been issued via the Districts to all Clubs and Schools, inviting them to attend their local roadshow.  However, spaces are limited to a maximum of two people per meeting from each Club or School to encourage views from a wide cross-section of our membership.

Attendees don’t need to book a space – just turn up.


These are discussion forums, giving Districts, Clubs and Schools the opportunity to share their views and gain a better understanding of Scottish Hockey’s competitions strategy and objectives. The idea is not to reach agreement on next season’s calendar – instead, the outputs from these roadshows will be fed into draft plans for agreement at national Senior and Youth Forums in Q1 2020.

The meetings will be hosted by the Competitions Managers: Emma High ((Senior) and George Thornton (Youth), and the Regional Development Managers for each District.

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