Men’s O45s Masters Trial

Scottish Masters Hockey is going from strength-to-strength and there is an exciting year ahead. In 2018 there are two main events for the O-45’s and Stuart Banford (Coach) is determined to field a strong squad at the home nations tournament Lisnagarvey, Ireland (June) and the World Cup Terrassa, Spain (July/August).

If you are 44 or over and would like to find out more about playing Masters Hockey for Scotland O-45’s or attending the trials then please contact Manager, Fraser Auld at <[email protected]>.

Masters trials

Trial Dates:

Date: Sunday 10th December

Time: Registration: 10.30, On Pitch: 11.00-13.00 and 14.00-16.00

Venue: Glasgow National Hockey Centre, Glasgow


Date: Sunday 21st January

Time: Registration: 10.30, On Pitch: 11.00-13.00 and 14.00-16.00

Venue: Peffermill Hockey Centre, Edinburgh


Please bring a white and dark shirt.

£10 levy at each trial.


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