Martin Shepherdson joins Scottish Hockey Board

Scottish Hockey has announced that Martin Shepherdson has joined its board and is due to be ratified at the upcoming AGM, held online on Thursday 3 September at 6:30pm.

Martin is a member of Grange Hockey Club and in his over 35 year association with the club he has held many roles from player; club captain; club secretary and hockey representative to the club board. Martin is also currently on the Management Committee and Premiership Management Group of Scottish Hockey.

Currently Martin is the Honorary President of the club’s men’s hockey section, a position he has held for 15 years; is head of the juniors section; and is the 1st XI manager, which includes 6 different EHL or EuroHockey tournaments.

He is also Vice-Chairman of the Grange Club, which encompasses hockey, cricket, squash and tennis.

In his career Martin worked in the oil industry for over 30 years, initially with Shell and latterly with Wood Mackenzie – an Edinburgh based research and consulting group.

In his time as a management consultant he was involved with organisations of all sizes helping them with business decisions, from board rooms to operational teams.

Martin was Operations Manager in the consulting group, which meant running a team of consultants and providing the link with an external legal team.

Now retired, much of Martin’s energy is devoted to hockey – and an occasional round of golf.

Martin said, “I am honoured to be joining the Scottish Hockey Board. As someone who has interest in hockey from the elite level through participation to development, I hope to use my hockey and professional experience to help the board develop Scottish Hockey and serve all our members.”


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