2017 NASUWT National Primary Festival

NPF 2017

The 2017 NASUWT National Primary Festival saw over 400 pupils, teachers and volunteers descend upon the Glasgow National Hockey Centre to take part on Thursday 1st June.

The event included 37 teams from 20 local authorities taking part, the highest level of participation since the event began. Designed for girls and boys of primary 6 and 7 ages, the day offered a fantastic opportunity for young players to come along and play in a fun environment at the Commonwealth venue while honing their hockey skills. We also saw 12 volunteers give their time to the event, including 6 senior pupils from High School of Dundee who used this opportunity to finalise their youth umpire award.

The format of the festival saw the schools divided into pools based on their ability (experienced or inexperienced) and playing in a round robin format. No scores were officially kept with main focus being fun and participation.

NPF 2017

The Glasgow National Hockey Centre was a hive of activity, with eight games being played at any one time. With so many pupils making the most of their time on the pitch, they also took to playing on our inflatable hockey pitch during some down time in between games. The enthusiasm and excitement displayed by many of the children and volunteers just goes to show how important an event like this is in encouraging and developing youth level hockey.

NPF 2017.2

There were teams from all over Scotland playing, including teams from Highland and the Scottish Borders. The fact that teams from afar were able to attend the festival was aided by the support of our event sponsor, NASUWT. NASUWT, the largest teachers union in the UK, are title sponsors of the event and we are hoping to continue this partnership in years to come. Through the invaluable support of the NASUWT we were able to offer subsidised travel to all teams – a huge help which made the day possible for many teams. Additional support from NASUWT allowed every child to take away a goody bag containing branded mementos such as a water bottle, t-shirt and key-ring.

A huge thank you goes to NASUWT and every teacher, coach and volunteer who came along and made the day a huge success and fun for all. We hope to make the event even bigger and better next year!

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