Scottish Hockey has a legal obligation of safeguarding which applies to members of its community.
Safeguarding covers, to a greater and lesser extent depending on the context:
promoting the health and wellbeing of all members of our community;
protecting members of our community from harm; and
addressing any Concerns raised
What is a safeguarding concern?
A safeguarding concern could arise when:
an individual is being subject to or is at risk of abuse, neglect or harm;
an individual is or is at risk of being radicalised;
an individual has abused, neglected or caused harm to someone else; or
an individual’s behaviour is considered to be a Serious Issue.
Reporting a concern
Anyone can raise a concern about a player, coach, or volunteer of the Scottish Hockey community. The recommended way to raise a concern is by completing the raising a concern form.
If you decide to remain anonymous when raising a Concern, Scottish Hockey will consider the Concern you have raised but may be limited in terms of any action it can take.
In an emergency
In an emergency, or if the matter is urgent, a concern should be reported to the police (if it is a criminal matter) or to any member of staff who is trusted by the person raising the concern
Contact us
If you have a query or a concern and are not sure what to do, or a question about reporting a concern, please email [email protected] or contact the Lead Safeguarding Officer.