Registered Schools Resource Area:

This area contains additional resources that can be downloaded to help schools deliver a hockey programme, as well as additional electronic copies of our main resource pack, should schools need more copies.  We hope you find this page useful!

Please remember to promote your Hamish’s Heroes activity using the hashtag #hamishsheroes and tag us on social media using @scottishhockey!

Hamish Heroes Main Resource Pack:

(Fun Fours can also be used with older age groups if you wish, depending on the confidence and ability level of the group you are working with)

Q&A Videos with International Athletes:

The video links below can be used to show to pupils to inspire them to pick up a stick!

Games & Festival Delivery – Additional resources:

(Please note that the FIH videos are based on a full 11 a side game.  The format of Fun Fours and Super Sixes are simplified versions of the game, so while many of the umpire signals are the same, penalty corners and penalty flicks are not included in these game formats, and goalkeepers only become optional at Super Sixes and above).

Additional Cross Curricular Resources:

If you have any questions on any of the content please do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected]

Have fun!